Monday, August 7, 2017

A Way to Relieve Stress

I personally get stressed way too often and usually when I’m feeling this way, something in the DIY/Craft world is what takes my mind off whatever I’m stressing about. Using those awesome Sakura Micron pens, pencils, and definitely erasers, to try and get perfection. It helps me to focus on something I love to do and always calms my mind.

One of the most common ways, for adults, to get rid of that work stress is through coloring. It is something that had really taken off about two and half years ago. I personally found out about through a friend and then took a visit to Michael’s craft store with just a small selection of coloring books. Once 2015 hit, I will say, the amount of options sky rocketed, Michael’s had one to two large stands of at least a hundred different books, but, I decided I didn’t really care for some of the quality of those books and decided how to draw “mandalas”, way easier than it seems, as well as drawing out particular shapes/objects and fun scenes. I later learned that these drawings were able to be sold on Etsy! I’m still in the process of adding even more to it, take a look at them as well as a few other items I sell,

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