Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Social Media

Today, social media was officially kicked off for Mountain Pass Solutions. Apparently, this company had never used them through the first two years of being in business, and we all believe that this will help to gain attention from our target market; schools that offer a higher education, deans, and faculty affairs management. We began with logging in to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. There was a bit more focus on Facebook by allowing the account to follow current clients (University of Michigan and Oakland University's medical school) and with intention of following other colleges with programs to earn a college degree. LinkedIn has also been updated with intentions to gain more followers through there and to share more information on what this company can offer to their clients.

Mountain Pass Solutions Internship

This has been my first week working directly at Mountain Pass Solutions. Last week, I had met the CEO and briefly went over what this company is about and given homework to research many different types of platforms that help to increase the attention and sales for a company. On Monday, these discoveries were then shared with the CEO to help break down and chose what would be best for this company to use, we ended up deciding on Cyfe and Hootsuite to better track the social media postings and analytics behind them to better help us understand what different ways to go about and what changes to make to gain more attention and possible clients.

How being an intern makes a difference

I have already made a few posts on what I've done with this internship but I want everyone else that reads this to know, that being an i...